You have to be your own internal parent and be kind to yourself. Don't should on your self.
I like transactional analysis for thinking about the different aspects of our egos. The parent part is the internal dialog that runs your old parent tapes about all your supposed shortcomings. It takes over for the abusive parent and you continue to beat yourself up, for every little thing. The nurturing parent is soothing and gentle. We have him or her inside our head, too. We need to listen to our nurturing higherself and get the feedback that we are okay.
We have to do it for ourselves. We need ourselves, and talk nicely to our inner child. The hurt little kid, who never got the recognition that he was lovable and capable. You need to love him now. You were emotionally let down. That is the Child part of the personality. It is still our personality part with the feelings. Mostly love and fear or anger. A lot of emotional stuff can be internally driven by a mean 'Parent'.
Lucky for you, you are not at the mercy of a critical Parent and a victim child internal circle of Hell on earth because you also have an 'Adult'. It is your internal wittness state, which monitors your thoughts (Parent) and your feelings (Child). You become aware of how you talk to yourself, and you like yourself.
Start telling.yourself you are okay. Admit and accept the emotional imbalances, they are part or you but they are not you. You are the internal wittness.