Keepers (but, there is NO war on women!!) [View all]
As the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade approaches on Jan. 22and with the the Supreme Court set to revisit womens fundamental right to access abortion in the Whole Womans Health v. Cole case, the most serious threat to abortion since 1992the Ms. Blog decided to look back at the realities of illegal abortion pre-Roe, and for women today who lack access to proper care.
As part of our #WeWontGoBack campaign, Ms. Blog readers are sharing their own stories, or the stories of friends and family members who have resorted to illegal abortions because they had no choice. Use the hashtag to share your story on social media. Below, read a poem about how abortion impacted a family.
By Patty Dembski*
Two women.
Parallel lives, a generation apart.
Mother and daughter.
Keepers of the bond.
Devout Roman Catholic women.
Daily mass.
Rosaries and Hail Marys.
Keepers of the faith.
Married women.
With children.
And unfaithful and indiscrete husbands.
Keepers of the vows.
Pregnant women.
Unplanned and unwanted.
With seeds planted by men unworthy.
Keepers of the scorn.
Desperate women.
Without support or confidants.
Alone in their quiet desperation.
Keepers of the terror.
Determined women.
Using underground networks and resources.
Doing what they believe they must do.
Keepers of self-determination.
Guilty women.
Ashamed yet relieved.
Wanting to forgive and be forgiven.
Keepers of the secret.
Fortunate women.
Surviving illegal and unhygienic methods.
Controlling their own bodies and lives.
Keepers of the right to choose.
Real women.
Their stories unveiled after their deaths.
Not so different from so many others.
Keepers of every womans unspoken heritage.
*A pen name was used because family members still prefer to remain keepers of the story.