New TRAP laws force Virginia abortion clinic to close after 40 years of service [View all]
I meant to post this here rather than in GD where it'll sink like a stone...
This is not the first time that such deceitful laws, known as TRAP laws, have been used to target abortion clinics with the intention of shutting them down. While their language is designed as aiming to protect the health of patients, they very blatantly put patients health at risk by singling out abortion clinics and holding them to unreachable standards. Weve most recently covered the same process in Mississippi. Mother Jones explains how it works:
Anti-abortion legislators pass what are often called TRAP laws, or targeted regulation of abortion providers. That is, regulations that only apply to abortion clinics, setting compulsory standards that are often difficult to meet, like mandated sizes for waiting and recovery rooms, reconfiguring of exits and entrances to facilities, and additional bathrooms.
Anti-choice supporters of such laws often co-opt language of safety and health to argue that the regulations are to protect patients. But clinic staff and womens rights advocates know that the regulations are designed to force abortion clinics to close as part of their radical right-wing agenda. This is how it worked in Mississippi, where even as legislators stated publicly that the bill was meant to merely protect the health of women, the Governor said he wanted Mississippi to be abortion-free as he signed the bill into law, and a State Rep. acknowledged while bragging about the law that women may turn to coathanger abortions as a result.
Of course, Life News, a manipulative and rabidly anti-choice website with close ties to anti-choice legislators and protesters, touted the closing as a win.
There was a discussion here on DU recently in context of the Kermit Gosnell case. The anti-choicers are PUSHING women (especially poor minorities) to back ally providers like that monster. Their using 'personhood amendments', TRAP laws and adding additional hurdles for women to get the care to which they are entitled.
I know it's been a tough week, but please stand up and fight for women's full reproductive choice.
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