No one should smoke and I would never encourage it.
But we do have a generation of people who grew up with it during a time when it was accepted and a normal part of everyday life. Yes, that generation is dying out, whether by smoking or just naturally. We bought into the lifestyle that advertising and culture portrayed but now, in a more enlightened world, we are being punished for it.
My complaint is that politicians make smokers a convenient football to kick around but enjoy the taxes they reap from this deadly, legal substance. Make the suggestion to your local politician that tobacco be made illegal and watch them back track and squirm. You might as well be asking them to make alcohol illegal. Because alcohol never hurt anyone, right?
I'm not arguing with you, PoinDexter, because you are absolutely right. There have been countless lives lost over the past couple of centuries because of tobacco but that trend is changing for the better. I just hate the game that's being played by politicians and governments that reap the financial benefits form from tobacco while condemning it with the same breath. What of the people who bought into it who are now in their later years? I say give them a break, give them some comfort, don't subject them to this new reality; just let them have a smoke. If they have to go outside to do it, then so be it but let them do it. Better yet, provide them with an area where they don't have to suffer the added indignity of being seen to be so desperate, so needy as to suffer the elements for their addiction.
On a sidenote, if it isn't already obvious, I am a smoker. And I wish I had the guts and fortitude to break the addiction, but I don't. As long as I am independent and free like this, I will continue to live my life as I see fit. I never smoke in public, but if you're in my house, it's my rules. (smiley face)
Thanks for your comment, PoinDexter. It was quite enlightening.