and quinoa macaroni) which went over well and I'll make again with more thyme and leek. I do cook for my dad and brother once a week which meant meat and potatoes, but i've been doing rice more often. I'm trying to get off dairy too except for 2% milk in my coffee and cheese in certain dishes. All in all i have done well the last week in not cheating (except for earlier tonight). I think i've turned a corner. I eat nuts late at night. I put pumkin seeds in yogurt and salads. I'm still feeling my way. But it is working. I've got my eye on a lasagna recipe that uses long slices of zuchinni wrapping ricotta instead of noodles. I will add tarragon to that as it is my go to lasagna herb. I just bought a glass lasagna dish for this and hope it is good. I'm reading Jamie Oliver's Ultimit Veg cookbook. He wrote it a decade ago but published it now because Vegetable cooking is exploding now. It is about substitution for me. Substituting rice for bread or potatoes. Substituting punpkin seeds and wild blueberries for the sugar in yogurt. Just a tablespoon of each. My dad for instance wants egg salad sandwiches for dinner. I will make deviled eggs with my favourite and his, store bought, Habitant Pea Soup. We do not get high blood pressure but my sister informs me that saturated fats affect your insulin so i have to ween myself off that and replace it with plant based things like real herbs to replace the flavour of fat and olive or avocado oil instead of butter (which i've not done). Anyhow. A work in progress. Saw a recipe for coconut milk and chick pea curry which i will suss out. I make a vegetable only tomato soup every 3 months or so. That is my favourite and has lentils and kidney beans in it as well as parsnips, carrots and other veggies. So when i say plant based i mean it is replacing meat protein or starches with some form of plant wherever and whenever i can.