..it brought this day. Thank you. Flowers bring me joy as does music..so pulled up two to share, Beethoven's Ode to Joy and Vivaldi's 4 Seasons--Summer. My little rose garden is bursting with colorful blooms --its taken me 6 yrs to bring it back to life--having leased my home during that time..I lost 3/4 of hybrid bush and climbing roses, yet am proud to say with hard work and constant attention, it's come alive! bc of water shortage I've limited to native perennials for added garden color.
Have to admit--I'm a bit lazy this morning...so still lingering in bed, reading DU posts, listening to music while having a cup of coffee with a slice of bday cake my nieces brought over yesterday to celebrate my 🎂. Ay dios [😱 Omg] I'm 68!
It's been raining--nice...since NM has been in drought, so the rain has been a blessing. Our long awaited monsoon soon season is finally here! Yesterday, I thought I'd take advantage of daily went out and planted gladiola bulbs and wild native flowers seed..perhaps have late summer colorful blooms.
Burn dia y paz.
ps Beethoven's Ode to Joy to celebrate the day..enjoy! Vivaldi's 4 Seasons--Summer
Ode to Joy - Beethoven
Vivaldi - Summer @ 10:31