Having had to give up my house with the big yard for awhile, this year I will be planting much less. I started lots of tomato seeds that I had purchased from an Italian seed company and egg plant the I purchased from another site, and none of them grew. I have been gardening since I turned 8 years old, and starting my own plants since I was in my 20s; I have never had seeds not do well. I have never been one to follow the Old Farmers Almanac for planting by the moon, but I looked, just for the heck of it. Wouldnt you know it, the day I planted my seeds it said was a very bad day for planting, barren days. The seeds came up, but the plants didnt grow at all, they were the same size forever and I threw them out. I will start them again for the second planting of the year. I also started a garden spreadsheet so next year I will make improvements I have suggested this year. I moved from the north to the south and I have never been able to get the hang of southern planting seasons. I will also be planting different kinds of herb seeds just to get an idea of what plants to start next year to sell at the farmers market. I am also now involved in the permaculture movement here where I live.