I think I'm developing a communication skill with the ferals [View all]
Spooky has always been VERY aggressive, in the morning, hissing and spitting at everything that moves. For the past two days I gave her a stern lecture about being so mean. She'd back way off and wait for me to put down her bowl while giving me a death glare.
This morning, instead of hissing and spitting, she MEOWED at me. Not an aggressive meow. Just a 'please may I have my food' type meow. And when I started to put the bowl down she didn't back off. She just sat down, gave me another meow, and then started to eat.
I always give her a little extra wet food as a repayment for all of her beautiful kittens.
I've also notice if I use a very moderate tone of voice and say 'you're ok' to them when they start to get nervous and run, they seem to calm down.