I just finished a very thorough sweep of the entire house. No sign of Carys [View all]
I checked the couch/chair coils, patted the back and front of all of the furniture and checked between, behind and under all of the cushions. I opened EVERY cabinet, looked behind/under every appliances, coffee/lamp tables AND on top of the cabinets in the laundry room. Also went through the closets, again.
The ONLY rational possibility is this. My nephew shifted the dryer to see what sort of connection it has before we install the new stacked washer/dryer. When he did that we didn't notice that the vent connection was dislodged. It's not a big portal but cats can slip through some tiny spaces. I went outside to see if she did go that route, maybe she was beneath the bush that's close by. No luck.
So I don't know what else to do except stay vigilant, especially when I'm outside, and hope to spot her.
Of course, I'll keep looking everywhere in the house, too. And I'm going to try running the vacuum EVERYWHERE because one thing I discovered is a vast herd of dust bunnies.
I'm not resigned to her being gone but I'm as prepared for that as possible. I don't know - maybe Merlin was just too much for her.