Merlin did a fine imitation of a Halloween Cat [View all]
I'm failing miserably at leaving him in his playpen at night. He just gives me this look with those big blue eyes and I melt. Anyway, he was bumbling around, running to the edge of the mattress and then turning at the last second. I guess I must have startled him because all of a sudden I had a Crab Walking, Hunched Back, Halloween Kitten on the other side of the bed. Nothing, in the history of the world, has ever been cuter. I WISH I'd had my camera handy.
He's got full run of the den, now. He will race around investigating some things and fighting with others until he's tired. If I'm elsewhere he climbs in to the playpen to snuggle with his toy. If I'm sitting in my comfy chair, he crawls up my leg and settles down on my shoulder. That's where he is right now.
Arthur spends a whole lot of time watching Merlin. Yesterday Gryff hopped up on my lap when he saw that Merlin was already there. I love having my two panthers. Madoc has retired to the guest room to keep Carys company. Apparently he has decided to ignore this new addition to the family.
So as far as I can tell, Merlin is thriving. He uses the litter box MOST of the time. His appetite remains good. His energy is high. I think it's safe to say the transition from abandoned kitten to full fledged little wizard who loves his 'witchy' mom is complete.
I like to think the 'witch' thing is genetic from my great-great grandmother who was reputed to be a 'herbal healer'. She also once killed a bear with a cast iron frying pan because it was chasing after her prize pig.
Men who fought in the Battle of Bosworth Field defeating Richard III, circus acrobats, boxers, coal miners, scalawags, veterans from almost every war the US has fought, and VERY feisty women. I love the paternal side of my family.