'Ender's Game' Author's Anti-Gay Views Pose Risks for Film [View all]
A controversy involving novelist Orson Scott Card and DC Comics could foreshadow problems for the big-budget adaptation of his classic 1985 sci-fi novel Enders Game, which is scheduled for release Nov. 1.
Cards long record of opposition to same-sex marriage and gay rights came into sharp focus when DC Comics announced Feb. 6 that it had hired him to write a chapter of a new Superman anthology series. Card has been a prominent gay-rights opponent going back to the 90s. As the same-sex marriage debate has advanced in recent years, he has become more vocal in his views.
In 2009, he joined the board of directors of the right-leaning National Organization for Marriage, which has been at the forefront of opposing same-sex marriage laws. That same year, he penned an opinion piece for the Mormon Times in which he argued: Marriage has only one definition, and any government that attempts to change it is my mortal enemy. I will act to destroy that government and bring it down." In another column last year, he called homosexuality a reproductive dysfunction born of choice.