I'm going to go make my first legal purchase today [View all]
Got my card in the mail last night so I should be good to go There are at least five or six dispensaries within a few blocks of me so I figure I'll go check them out this morning and see who has what to offer. There are still some things I'm a bit fuzzy about... There is this whole 'care giver' thing... Seems you can either be your own care giver and grow your own (which, I have a black thumb and kill everything so no way) or assign someone else (like a dispensary) and you "may" get a discount. I say "may" because I hear conflicting things... Some people have told me oh yeah, nice discounts... and others, no way, they are not allowed to do that... So I don't freakin know but I'm sure each place will tell me what they do so I can decide. It should be interesting... While waiting for them to open (a few more hours) I'm checking out some different strains here (though... Who knows what they will have):