the use of verifiable results to test claims is the way that people come to understand that the entire prohibition of marijuana is based upon lies.
obviously scientists can be corrupt and use their work to support false claims - like when Reagan kept touting that guy's "scientific" report that marijuana killed brain cells - when the reality was denying a chimpanzee oxygen, as people already knew, would kill brain cells. Science made it possible to dispute the claim - while corrupt right wing govt forces fought like hell to keep the data unavailable to know how the test was run, for as long as they could.
the sad truth, of course, is that science has been disputing the claims of the anti-marijuana prohibitionists since the day it was "prohibited" by requiring a tax stamp that wouldn't be permitted.
Doctors disagreed with the legislature at the hearing - and were denounced.
The entire history of prohibition is a history of racism and corruption.
Science is not arguing over the issue of medical marijuana. Science indicates marijuana is less habit-forming than caffeine, has never caused a death, has definite benefits for patients with various illnesses, marijuana has saved or extended lives by making it possible to keep down powerful drugs, has proven benefits for people with MS - marijuana is already approved as a drug to treat side effects of MS in Germany, the UK, Israel and Canada via GS/Bayer Pharma "sativex" - marijuana completely removes a form of neuropathic pain associated with a breast cancer drug treatment, marijuana stops epileptic seizures for some people with epilespy - and in human trials, cannabinoids shrunk brain tumor cells.
So, good science demonstrates that cannabis should be legal.
We're a reality-based society - the claim that anyone wants to make that marijuana should be illegal has no scientific basis.