Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Just looking for input. [View all]jimmy the one
(2,720 posts)I previously wrote: "...what may issue does, is allow public, to notify management or call authority..."
dscntnt: Where, in the US does prior restraint have the force of law? Notify or call anyone you want; call the FBI to report a stray cigarette wrapper, get Homeland on the phone an report your nephew for scribbling in a sibling's passport...
You continue notoriously to take things out of context. Here is what I wrote in fuller context, & it makes much more sense than your juvenile cheap shot above:
jto: .. what may issue does, is allow people sitting in restaurants or in public, to notify management or call authority if they see someone with a pistol under his armpit or in his jacket.
.. what may issue does, is allow cops to question or arrest anyone in new jersey carrying a gun, to affirm whether he is legally entitled to carry it.
.. what may issue does, is PREVENT most of those people who shouldn't be carrying concealed guns everywhere they want, from doing so. For yes pilgrims, there ARE lots of people in the USA who shouldn't be allowed to carry guns, even gunnuts have told me this over the years, & they weren't speaking only of criminals. >>> post 9 actually
dscntn: Who writes this stuff? Where do these ideas come from?
Not from brains/heads filled with air. In shall issue states, a rogue with an 'exposed' concealed pistol gets scant attention if sitting in a restaurant or in public, he can't be checked for propriety, whereas in may issue states they can be more readily checked.
Criminals & prospective criminals just LOVE shall issue rules, since they go about undetected while illicitly carrying concealed, far more frequently.
Here's another you took out of context regarding myself, #21 from same thread:
prev jto: you apparently don't know what a 'fact' is, since a response of 'no it doesn't' isn't really a fact, it's opinion;
discntn: And from a few paragraphs above:
jto: Yes it does.
You take it out of context, dear, for in context I was giving johnston tit for tat:
prev jto:.. what may issue does, is allow people sitting in restaurants or in public, to notify management or call authority if they see someone with a pistol under his armpit or in his jacket.
Johnston: no it doesn't/
jimmy : Yes it does.