Last edited Tue Aug 25, 2015, 12:59 PM - Edit history (1)
Without addressing my preference in candidates, Mrs Clinton's remarks are helpful in understanding her view and attitude on the issues. Since there is no major pending legislation nor was a type of legislation named in the questions, her remarks enlighten the reader as to some aspects of new laws or changes that she would favor or discourage.
To your point #1, UBCs are a good idea. IMHO this is a state by state issue since the feds have jurisdiction only over interstate commerce. FFLs in every state are already required to check every buyer against the NICS database. That goes for any sale regardless of venue including gun shows, mail order... Some states operate as what the system calls Full POC which facilitates an better check of the individual buyer. The NICS is only as good as the data it holds and many states have privacy laws that restrict the type of personal information the state may share. Certain information from the courts of certain states may NEVER make it to NICS. I hope all states work toward Full POC.
Point #2, as I said above, this is not appropriate and state laws may only be invalidated by SCOTUS decisions where they are deemed unconstitutional. It would be helpful for the feds to establish a public campaign for both safety and for understanding laws like SYG. I've not heard of an incident where a resident shot a trespasser simply for trespassing while that resident was otherwise unimpaired. I haven't searched for that info.
Point #3, my understanding current law is that the import of "Chinese copies of the AK-47 rifle and Uzi submachinegun" is now illegal. IMHO, nothing currently prevents a product liability suit for poor design, materials or workmanship. I'm not sure what additional laws would be needed.
Point #4, absolutely! There should be a law in every state that, where ever a minor has access, a firearm be under the control of an adult or secured against unauthorized access. This is another case where a public safety campaign would be great.
ETA: Adding a link to the NICS participation map on