....what everyone considers private information is OKAY because it's the government PROTECTING US. Daniel Webster has this to say about that:
Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.
From the NSA site:
In 2004, the NSA launched a plan to use the Multiprogram Research Facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee to build a classified supercomputer designed specifically for cryptanalysis targeting the AES algorithm. Our classified NSA Oak Ridge facility made a stunning breakthrough that is leading us on a path towards building the first exaflop machine (1 quintillion instructions per second) by 2018. Since the capability to break the AES-256 encryption key within an actionable time period may still be decades away, our Utah facility is sized to store all encrypted (and thereby suspicious) data for safekeeping.
(bold and underline added)
So there it is. Anything they can't read is
What have we learned? Power, money, position and influence allows laws to be meaningless for some. There is an investigation and clearance process called
Yankee White. This process is required for some of the most sensitive and important jobs there are. The service person who carries briefcase known as the Nuclear Football undergoes this clearance process. However, there is now a person with clearance above that who shouldn't be there. This person has recent bankruptcies which would prevent their passing a Yankee White investigation (or likely any investigation for a clearance above standard Confidential) but because of money and influence...