Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Which Americans support the Second Amendment? The answer depends on whether whites or blacks have th [View all]jimmy the one
(2,720 posts)disntnt: If the right to belong to a well regulated militia exists, how does that equal the 2A being a limitation on the people to only have arms if they so belong?
Well you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it comprehend I guess.
The limitation was on congress, not on the people. The individual right was to the people to belong to militia as a duty. Reread my above post which you responded to, maybe it will begin to make sense (cough).
There is a difference between owning guns, and having a right to them.
rawle: "Of the amendments already adopted, the eight first in order fall within the class of restrictions on the legislative power, some of which would have been implied, some are original, and all are highly valuable. Some are also to be considered as restrictions on the judicial power."
dscntn replied: I couldn't have said it better.
Why did you omit and or overlook Wm Rawle's title, which I clearly emboldened especially for you?: CHAPTER X. OF THE RESTRICTIONS ON THE POWERS OF CONGRESS AND ON THE EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL AUTHORITIES RESTRICTIONS ON THE POWERS OF STATES AND SECURITY TO THE RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUALS rawle's view of the constitution, 1825
Rawle felt the particular limitations on congress in the bill of rights helped provide security to individual rights, so, as encyc brittanica and wiki wrote, the bill of rights was: a collection of mutually reinforcing guarantees of individual rights and of limitations on federal and state governments.
dscntnt: In discussing miller provide for us in detail......the failings of the appellants which precluded a decision for them.
How did this case reach the high court?
What was the lower court's decision leading to the Miller appeal?
Can you show from the writings of Madison exactly and absolutely what he intended?
I figure you're old enough to do your own research by now.