Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: More time, more discretion: Changes to gun permit law spurred by tragedy in Buffalo [View all]The Mouth
(3,286 posts)The state has, and should have to power to remove children from the homes of parents who through abuse, neglect, incompetence, or other factors are unable to provide for them. This includes leaving firearms where a child to young to understand what they are (or an older one who is not trained to leave them alone and let an adult know asap) can access them, exactly the same as if they left fentanyl pills on a coffee table or let child pornographers babysit the kids for an afternoon.
Just as I am quite willing to admit there are people who shouldn't have guns; I've had the misfortune of such as neighbors. However I disagree with the principle that since *some* people will misuse something that everyone or many should be prohibited from it, be that voting, rearing children, having guns, writing, making speeches; I am against prior restraint as the default but obviously support removing rights and privileges from those who have been officially and formally adjudicated incapable of using same, be that taking away guns from a violent moron, placing children in foster care, or disqualifying a voter because they have a Trump '24 sticker on their big-assed smoke belching truck
Rights can, and sometimes should be removed; we put people (way too many and way disproportionally BIPOC and poor) in jail all the time, we disqualify them from voting, we take kids away, of course there are people who should have their guns taken away and told if they ever touch another one they going to jail for a long time. But all of these can (in my opinion) only come after due process, not merely because someone might do something wrong.
Once we get to the point that the people who hate guns, hate the idea of armed self defense, and consider the 2nd a barbaric anachronism admit that the *default* status for a citizen is to be armed if they wish, I think most gun owning voters would be more than willing to *then* discuss processes for licensing concealed carry and means and methods of identifying potential mass shooters.
We are, however, not going to trust adding on more restrictions and rules on top of the unclear clusterfuck of current regulation because a LOT of us believe that all the talk of 'preventing mass shootings' and such is merely subterfuge for establishing as a standard that there is no right to armed defense (except for the rich, politicians, and celebrities regardless of political affiliation). In other words an earned part of the hostility towards gun control advocates is because so many pretty much admit what they *really* want is no guns anywhere except in the hands of the cops even as they also claim they are merely pushing for 'common sense' gun control.