Mass public shootings today are more frequent and deadlier. [View all]
Fascinating study about mass shootings in the US. Covers the '60s to present. Although it's not the central theme of the study it does put to rest the idea that it's Justa Modern Sporting rifle. Well, maybe if the sport is killing people quickly and efficiently.
The AR-15 and it's derivatives is the most lethal weapon ever marketed to the civilian public.
Below is a still shot of one of the graphs at the cite. Gunners will tell you that rifles are less than 30% of guns used in mass shootings. True if you average all shootings since 1960. However if we break down the graph by decades the % of rifles (all ARs by the way) used has grown from 2% to 30% to 59% in the last ten years. If we only take the last 5 years into account the % grows to 90%.
Not only are the majority of mass shootings done with ARs but the fatality rate is many times higher than shootings with other kinds of weapons. The graph below is interactive at the link. It gives the incident, the AR type used as well as the number of casualties.