Mass Killings --- nothin's gonna change until ...... There is disruption. [View all]
As Obama said, he thought Sandy Hook would be "the straw." Nope. Didn't happen.
So here we are, week after week, month after month, year after year. And nothing changes, nor will it change until people get pissed off enough to lead some kind of disruption. It might be planned. It might be spontaneous. But that is what needs to happen.
Teachers: Teachers are most likely to be affected by gun violence. Yet they do nothing about it except participate in lock-down drills. When I was a teacher on a negotiating committee, an administrator described us as a docile group. "You're not gonna strike." Look up teachers' strike... Jersey City, 2000. That strike put pressure on my district's Board of Ed. to negotiate a fair contract.
Teachers in Oklahoma have grown a pair. They are refusing to follow the state superintendent's directive to teach the Bible in their classrooms. They will violate a direct order for a principle of honor. Do you think they would walk out of their classroom to save their students' lives? Maybe by participating on a national day of mourning by walking out of schools?
How about two days of mourning on 2025? Three days in 2026.
Yeah, I know. It is important that students get their education. But dead kids don't learn anything. And dead teachers can't teach anymore.
Or maybe it's not teachers who will find a way to disrupt such as puts pressure on Congress to initiate a change in the Constitution.
What is your suggestion? My point is that what we are doing, or not doing now, is as useless as thoughts and prayers.
Don't bother to tell me that you think I am an asshole, or whatever. I know I am. .... Instead, give me your plan for what to do.