Gun Control & RKBA
Showing Original Post only (View all)### (Closed) Discussion to create a process to un-ban members ### [View all]
Last edited Wed Nov 28, 2012, 01:09 PM - Edit history (2)
On November 3rd of this year, member "rDigital" was blocked from the Group due to an original post in which s/he posted a poll asking if gun-control advocates were Holocaust enablers.
rDigital immediately petitioned for reinstatement (the first to do so), but I felt that the impending Election Day and the associated confusion, plus the jubilation of Obama's inevitable victory and our schadenfreude of the right-wing meltdown, would not be the best time to work on this.
Plus, I noticed that a time-out period of a couple of weeks gives Group regulars a chance to see how things were without rDigital there, and could decide, among other things, whether the Group is better with or without him/her in there.
Since rDigital is the first member to petition for reinstatement, we're establishing a precedent here that I hope will be followed in the future.
Here is how I would like it to work, and I would like some feedback on this.
The members of the Group will debate the following in a thread:
- Whether the blocking offense was justifiable in the first place (does it need to be reversed because it was unjustified?)
- Whether the blocking offense is forgivable
While I would hope that the debate would stay only on those two points above, I am reasonably sure that the following points will be debated as well:
- Whether the member was a productive regular of the Group
- Whether the member participated in a positive fashion in the Group
- How well-liked the member was among the members and sides in the Group
- The general history of the member in the Group
After a set period of discussion (I'm thinking a week) I would lock the thread and open a polling thread for a final vote with a very simple question "Reinstate? Yes/No" and hold this open for a set period (say, a day).
At the end of the polling period, majority rules.
I'll let this float for the holiday weekend, and pin it to the top on Monday.
On edit: changed "banned" to "blocked". -K