Why Does The MSM Treat Republicans So Good? What Can We Do? [View all]
I mean face it. Here is a few facts about Republicans that are beyond dispute.
Their ideas about smaller government suck, and hurt millions of not billions.
Their actions sabotaging Obama, and our needed recovery from Bush's disaster amounted to treason.
Practically everything they say is a lie. Period.
They encourage, and promote racism, and intolerance.
They commit voter suppression, and outright attack people's ability to vote.
Their economic ideas are insane. Total proven disaster on every level. Just look at Kansas, and Wisconsin.
They want women to have no choice on health issues.
They want to legislate morality, but they worship/serve Satan, and shame the poor instead of helping them. (un-christian)
They actively deny millions of people access to health care, which amounts to murder in my book.
They knowingly poison citizens, and then help each other cover it up, and distract us, and try to shift the blame.
Now here are just a few things just for starters. My friends on DU can probably list another 5,000 reasons why Republicans suck.
My problem is the press treats them like they are something other than lying, treasonous, zombie scum. Republicans get to babble their nonsense unchallenged in almost every case. It makes me sick. They get to own the word "conservative" when the only thing they want to conserve is the wealth of the wealthiest, and the rest of us can just go starve to death, or die of treatable diseases.
The press is actually worse than Republicans, and that is saying something......
What the hell can we do about MSM SCUM?