Donald Trump Is So Happy The Media Simply Forgot..... [View all]
The media forgot that Trump was a common criminal paying his corporate expenses with his charity funds. Guilty as hell.
But someone got shot, and there is a debate next week! Lets' talk about nothing but those two issues until another shiny object floats by and keep ignoring CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR BY A CANDIDATE RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT.
Who cares if one of the two people running for president has obviously broken the self dealing laws, and has offered zero defense to the obvious case of self dealing. So what if Trump committed a REEEEEEAL crime. The media spent a week accusing the CGI of doing favors for donations when there was zero evidence they did. They spent more time bashing the CGI than reporting on an actual crime that Trump did. Now they simply forgot about it altogether.
Good thing it wasn't the other candidate who paid her personal expenses out of her charity funds. Boy that would be news! Non stop news. 24 hour round the clock beat her to death news. The news story that never ever ends. Reeeeeeeeal news. In your face news. There would be no other news for a year. The lead story for 5 years. Maybe 10 years. You get my drift....
I guess it is only news if someone said Hillary did it right? Right? I mean she had to do it, she is Hillary right? I mean come on, lock her up. She must have done something illegal once upon a time right? She's Hillary. No one trusts her right? She just had to have done it. She is Hillary.
The only thing worse than Trump, or Republicans is our pathetic media, and that's saying a lot.
Goebbels would be so proud. So f-ing proud.