Bad Ideas: WikiLeaks Seems to Think Attacks on U.S. Embassies Are All About Them [View all]
Too soon, Mr. Assange, too soon.
By Steve Huff 12:49pm
With an ill-advised tweet posted Wednesday, WikiLeaks may have won the tacky self-interest sweepstakes. The tweet, which was quickly deleted, suggested a deadly attack aimed at the American Embassy in Benghazi, Libya was justified by Julian Assanges refugee status inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
The Guardian assumed the tweet was written by Mr. Assange. Whoever posted the statement, they clearly werent looking much further than their own navel, writing:
By the US accepting the UK siege on the Ecuadorian embassy in London it gave tacit approval for attacks on embassies around the world
The whistle-blowers followed up with an explanation of the deletion that implied the controversial post was deleted because perhaps people were too stupid to get it ...