Disney co-owned Hulu bans ads on Climate, Abortion, & Guns undercutting Democrats' 2022 themes [View all]
Disney co-owned Hulu bans ads on Climate, Abortion, & Guns undercutting Democrats' 2022 themes
Hulu blocks ads on abortion, guns, and climate change and Dems arent happy
By Makena Kelly Jul 25, 2022
Abortion rights, gun control, and climate change have taken center stage for Democrats running in this years midterm elections. But the popular streaming service Hulu has repeatedly rejected Democratic ads focusing on these central campaign issues over the last few weeks, as first reported by The Washington Post on Monday.
On July 15th, a group of Democratic campaign organizations attempted to purchase a joint ad on abortion and gun control on the Disney-backed Hulu platform along with other digital buys on Facebook, YouTube, and Roku and more traditional placements on broadcast and cable channels. The ad ran on every other platform, but Hulu rejected it. Hulu hasnt told the groups if it will run the ad, a Democratic party official told The Verge.
In a joint statement on Hulus rejection on Monday, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and Democratic Governors Association said, Hulus censorship of the truth is outrageous, offensive, and another step down a dangerous path for our country.
Disney owns 66% of Hulu. Corporate media is actively helping to destroy our democratic institutions.
(And you felt sorry for the mouse