Olbermann Mugs Breit-barf! [View all]
Keith Olbermann, Countdown 2/15/12:
...(W)e have had and we will continue to have as much fun at possible with the on-camera meltdown of Andrew Breitbart in front of a group of Occupy protesters at CPAC last weekend.
...Mr. Breitbart and his websites have now promulgated a list of what his people boast are 17 rapes at Occupy protests between October 16th and November 19th of last year. Seventeen stories and links, listed "Rapes and Various Sexual Crimes," and all of them attributed to Occupy.
It turns out...Breitbart's crew has twisted nearly every one of the allegations in the stories. The idea seems to have been to make as long a list as possible, and assume that your supporters will never bother to link through to the actual stories, let alone follow up to find their true outcomes...
(J)ust Googling the names of those identified, following up on these stories...took me only about 70 minutes...Those who do will find Mr. Breitbart and his colleagues are lying...
Keith then proceeds to
debunk ALL 17 of the allegations!