This Is Not the Age of Defeat [View all]
This Is Not the Age of Defeat
Peace & Justice
by Chris Floyd | March 30, 2013 - 9:44am
This is the age of loss, not the age of defeat.
Drone strikes, kill lists, murderers and torturers approved for high office. Austerity for the poor, record profits for the rich. Truthtellers shackled, liars lauded, ignorance exalted, cruelty and callousness gilded with righteous piety. Everywhere, goodness is driven to its knees, and this brutality is not decried but celebrated.
As in that age of iron that lowered over our forbears during dark night of the Thirties, you see faces once thought kind and kindred turn suddenly feral. Fear is behind it, but not just fear: also a self-hatred for what fear has turned them into, a self-hatred that cannot be borne and so is turned outward, thrown outward, into harsh projections of hatefulness, violence and desolation.
The avid embrace of what was once denounced, or the sad but savvy acceptance of the lesser evil: this is what we see at every turn today among ourselves, among those we thought were our own, and sometimes, maybe when the lowering is darkest, heaviest in mirrors as we pass. When the lowering is darkest, when the soul is lost. In them. In us.