Choice Plus was very good here and I saw a neurologist and dentist in Jacksonville, but now nothing. I here that Choice Plus or something like it is starting with less or mileage involved. I think it is if you have a 20 day wait or have to drive more than 30 miles. Mt family all have doctors in Jacksonville so if I do get an appointment with a doctor here most likely my family will be able to tell me how good he or she is. This I don't understand, my neurologist but in for me to have an MRI. Fayetteville could not get me an appointment right away so they discarded the appointment application. I did not know until I had a dental appointment in Wilmington and went into radiology to see what was up. That's when I learned about it. Very nice people in radiology, they told me to ask my neurologist for another appointment and to call me as soon as he made it. He called the next day and I called radiology like they told me to and I had my MRI two weeks later. So I guess if your appointments goes through the VA hospital near you, as soon as your doctor puts a request for an appointment, call that place you will have it and make the appointment yourself.