Besides the care I get through the VA, what is important to me is HealtheVet. I take 15 medications and they are all listed right there for me to see and refill. As for my physical and mental problems, they are listed and at 3 single lines each it takes 6 pages to print. Every time I see a doctor, nurse of technician, within three days, I can read their notes. This way if there is something I do not understand, I can send them a message and they will message me back explaining the parts I didn't understand. I have an MRI of my brain taken once a year and although I really can't understand what I am looking at, the neurologist's notes help me to know how much of my brain had died in the last years. I have vascular dementia. With all that, when I do see the doctors, I know just what I have to ask them even when I said to my primary "You can't help me can you?" And I knew his answer was going to be "No". Not being morbid, I am 75 and if all my medical problems don't increase is speed, I should have another good 10 years.