Tri-West now handles most of the non-VA appointments. I use the VA healthcare system as much as possible. Even though I could use Tri-West for almost everything since it is 75 miles for me to travel for all VA medical except for primary care, psych, and labs I prefer to go to the Wilmington HCC whenever possible since it is an easy drive. Travel does pay me $57 a trip but that is not why I go there. I believe a veteran's main concern is whether or not he or she is receiving proper care. One of my main reasons for using VA is healthevet. In three days of an exam or lab, I can look at the physician's notes, lab work and my MRI pictures. I also have found that many doctors not in the VA system also have set it up so you can see the results of tests. Just be careful when using non-VA that you first receive authorization from the VA. One other thing. I had to go to a non-VA neurologist. He could only do exactly what the VA told him he could. I have a VA neurologist now in Wilmington who goes over everything. He even had me look at the pictures of my last 2 MRIs of my brain. We compared the picture. Hard to find a doctor that will spend 20 minutes with you just looking at pictures of your brain. Luckily almost no changes. I have been with the VA since 1995 and have been lucky enough that no matter where I have gone in the system I have received very good care.