The worst thing we can do to any wild animal is practice Anthropomorphism. They are not pets and they are not people. They live a precarious life and their chances of living beyond 5 is slim. Deer are on the menu of so many animals, number one on that list in most of the eastern US is hunters. If you feed them is lessens their chance of living a long life since they will change their natural behavior and eating habits to frequent your house.
And it may sour some people's opinion of me, but the reason I know so much about deer behavior is that I am a hunter. I love nothing more than observing deer and any other animal in their natural habitat and because I sit in the woods for hours at a time I get a birds eye view. And for every deer I kill, I watch 10 walk away.
Where I hunt the deer are not acclimated to hunters, but deer which have been fed by humans lose their fear of humans and often dogs. And the last thing I want is for animal I am hunting to have its evolutionary skills dulled due to someone feeding it.
So enjoy these two deer and I hope you get to watch them as they grow mature. The change you see in he buck will be profound if he sticks around. Hopefully in the next year or so you will see the doe with a fawn of her own. Make sure you really pay close attention to her. If you do, you can often learn to recognize a deer for years as it changes because there are subtle difference in them as there are in us. I love seeing a doe I saw as a fawn rearing fawns of her own. Especially knowing the challenges she overcame to successfully raise that young deer.
Have a nice evening