Rural/Farm Life
In reply to the discussion: Looking at rural land. Any advice? [View all]bello
(135 posts)While I agree with most if not all of the advice for evaluating land given here, that was not the problem we faced when buying land forty odd years ago. We could not find anything on the market that met our desires. Owners didnt think to even put it on the market. We didnt have anything to evaluate.
So, we got in Bellas airplane (she was a flight instructor) and flew back and forth over the area to make a first cut on what we wanted to buy. One parcel stood out. We contacted a real estate agent, who convinced the owner to sell. We still consider ourselves to be the luckiest buyers in the world.
In todays world, you dont need an airplane to do something similar. Scan the desired area on Google earth. Also, there are GIS pictures available for most of the U.S. Look for these sites that cover your area with an internet search. Drones may be able to winnow down the first cut to a more manageable number. Drone services are available. Dont forget you county assessor, USDA and just a plain old internet search.
Good luck out there. -b