My town's ordinance prohibiting the raising of chickens [View all]
It reads:
"Sec. 3.20B
3. Domestic livestock, including horses, swine, cattle, sheep, poultry and goats, and other live animals customarily raised for profit or slaughter, shall not be permitted in the district."
I'm going to try and get that changed to allow the keeping of hens in town. I think there should be some kind of rules lest people keep roosters or allow their chickens to free range.
Oklahoma City's ordinance on chickens , which allows the keeping of up to 6 chickens, is a good one I think:
"Animal owners must maintain a clean coop that protects their grand from predators
The coop must have at least four square feet of space per animal.
Food and water must always be available, and the animals must be kept in the coop from dusk to dawn
Any electrical and heat source must comply with the City's building codes.
Each chicken or quail must have at least 8 square feet of roaming space.
Chicken coops must be located at least five feet away from the side property line, at least 10 feet from the back property line, and at least 30 feet from sn adjacent dwelling.."
I would add that the keeping of roosters is prohibited .