Rural/Farm Life
Showing Original Post only (View all)Trout fishing yesterday 18-19 -16 went full Kirk Gowdy. [View all]
Fortunate as in this area we have so many choices in streams freestone and limestone streams as well to fish. Or even to travel to fish where I grew up in small very small Burg in the Allegheny state forest and then later we moved to the farm Bedford Fulton county A.O. as young teens , and we go back to these two areas at times to fish as well.
Yet we also have streams quite a few choices actually that run through farms as water supply for the herds. And they are great places to fish for trout the main reason is that very few people fish them no pressure none. Yesterday we started fishing the west branch concocheauge up near Doylesburg pa and ended our day fishing west branch of laurel run in Tuscarora state forest.
And in between these two fantastic fisheries I showed my crew a pasture stream. I havent fished in years actually 18 remembers fishing it reason is he asked dad is this the place we saw those copperheads good memory he may have been five.
You know that like I dont know any other way to explain it the cabbage smell copperheads give off Ive always taught our kids one eye on ground one where you trying to get to. At that time we were fishing by this old blow down of trees near tree line of this pasture stream , and I smelled that smell of like cabbage sure enough snakes were in the blow down brush.
Anyway we asked the farmer yesterday if we could fish sure go ahead and it was decent. Sixteen who just started hanging out with us over guitar lessons at Dunc pup institute of Music / drivers education has never been fishing before and she caught a nice size brown trout from the go in this pasture stream.
Even my not so brave Golden pup had great time especially after he realized that the herd of cows were not predators that would murderize him. Although he did keep a close side eye on the Holsteins in the pasture about 200 meters from us you just never know man they may charge us and Im telling you right now mister if it goes down every Dunc pup for themselves and any survivors will regroup at the 4 runner.
On the way home I showed the crew a house we were gonna buy when we moved to the area from a small town from Cambria county area 26 years ago reason was union outfit I drove for had change operations and i followed the work then to the terminal over in Hagerstown Maryland.
Actually I was looking at it because then I still deer hunted and small game hunted squirrels bunnies and I thought that place be great for dove hunting there was quarry nearby and doves use the stone to help digest I was told once as kid my one uncle told me that dont know if its fact. Yet one place I used to dove hunt had several quarries and water retention ponds and it was good hunting.
Liz was from South joisey originally across from Philly Walt Whitman where its all paved ,and her words no absolutely on buying that house in the sticks. So we bought the home which we still live in close to Gettysburg area. I told 19 slow down see that old stone house thats the house I wanted.
To quote your mother no fucking way I am not moving from desolation to desolation so you can fuck off all the way to fuck off mountain with the very rural home idea. And I dont give one shit if they have seen Bigfoot in Tuscarora state forest she actually said that because jokingly I brought it up as a good reason on buying that house on my VA bill option.
You know Id joke with her all the time and I remember responding to her in my Christopher walken impersonation, fine will move to apple country, and I am going on a gut feeling a hunch my dear that Bigfoots prefer chasing down deers for food instead of picking apples. I do think there is something to Bigfoot all these sightings cant be bull shit although Ive never seen any.
It was great day we packed sandwiches peanut butter straight for Dunc. Sixteen had blast fishing although drivers ed yesterday stunk shes really really tiny hobbit tiny and she had troubles in driving 4 runner seeing out window to reaching the pedals comfortably so 19 took over as driver.
She does ok in Mazda 6 and especially the work commute Corolla, I tell her Toyota Corolla built for hobbits. And Dunc totally into sixteen he loves her leans into her in backseat of 4 runner rests his muzzle on her yea total Dunc Gollum vibe my precious.