In reply to the discussion: Can you tell me your experience with cataract surgery? [View all]fernlady
(27 posts)I had laser done about 10 years ago. I'm sure techniques have improved even more since then. I had gotten to the point that even during the day, the glare from headlights was too much. I hadn't driven at night for years.
I went to the eye doctor who had successfully corrected strabismus in two of my daughters eyes, so if he had done a good job with my daughters, I felt I could really trust him.
I had both eyes done, about a month apart, in the fall.
The surgery was a snap. That was some good joy juice I must say! After dealing with lens I was born with, this really, really, really handsome young man walked me to the room where the new lens was inserted. I was a happy woman! I hardly remember anything about the lens insertion. It was over before I knew it.
I'm a quilter, so the first morning after doing the first eye, I opened the closet to my fabric stash, and ended up waking the entire household with my shouts of amazement. The fabric colors were so bright and vibrant! I hadn't realized how muted they had become because cataracts come on so gradually.
It was fall and with the surgery done, it was the most beautiful, beautiful fall I had experienced in years!
Post surgical care was a snap. I was off work about a week for each eye.
Today, I have computer glasses (middle and reading distance), and trifocals for general life, with middle and reading and basically a blank for distance. I can't get used to no line glasses, particularly because there is visual distortion on the edges of the lens and I must NOT have that when cutting fabric.
Insurance at the time did not cover this. Cost was about $4000 I think, but in the end it was totally worth it.
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