She had aphasia- couldn't process words at first, and still very much affected in speech, though we who know her can figure out what she is referring to. She understands what is said to her and what is going on around her. At first, all she could say was "yes". Now she speaks haltingly; when she puts 4 words together in a short sentence, that is an accomplishment.
As with your father, daughter's right arm is useless, though she has feeling in it; just no working muscle, even in the fingertips. We were told immediately after her stroke that her right arm would not recover. - I guess the medical personnel knew that from experience with others.
Daughter's right leg was not affected wholely; perhaps not as strong as previously, but she ambulates with a small walker on her left hand; it is called a hemi-walker.
We were told that the middle of three arteries in the left side of the brain had received the "soft' clot, likely something resulting from atrial fibrillation.
Daughter had several months of rehab, but cannot manage life on her own. She lives in a long-term care facility.
Feel free to contact me by personal message if there is any more info you wish re our and daughter's experience with left-brain stroke.
Best wishes to your Dad, and you and your family.