I helped him through his surgery etc.. Let me know what questions you have and I will get him to respond. What type of medical coverage do you have? I know the VA does not have the latest, cutting edge treatment available. He also had a gleason 6+8. I assume you have had the biopsy. If you want to PM me my friend will be happy to reply. There are a couple of good boards online that have some good info as well. Your treatment may be predicated on your margins. My bf had cancer close to the edge of his prostate, but did not involve the exterior of the prostate. He had the option to do radiation plus hormone therapy, but decided for removal. They have a protocol that if you have radiation w/hormones, and it does not control/eradicate the cancer, you are not eligible for surgery. But that might have changed. And I know they have a focused beam radiation that utilizes guided imagery-I think it's MRI-that is more precise, more effective, and fewer side effects. The qualification is that your gleason score must be in a certain range. 8 is on the higher side. Good luck. I am sorry you are having to deal with this. One thing I would suggest are supplements of mushrooms-specifically turkey tail, and THC oil plus CBD.