About a dozen years ago I had my vision "fixed" with cataract surgery. It in fact only swapped me from being near sighted to being far sighted. Since I don't need glasses for anything but reading now, I often find myself without a pair when I need them. It really pisses me off when people think that I am stupid when I can't see a screen to punch in my pin number. And it completely galls my ass when the clerk or the customer behinds me starts the eye rolling and huffing...
I will not do business with stores that are going all self checkout. If we got breaks on the price for checking ourselves out it might appeal, but all I see is that self checkout lines are good for is eliminating jobs, reducing customer service and increasing corporate profits. I am also afraid of something not checking right, and someone subsequently accusing me of shoplifting. If someone put their hands on me accusing me of stealing, I am afraid that I would be 25 again and the secret Viking, that lives in me, would find his way out, and then I would go to jail for cause...