High school football incidents spark racism talks, programs [View all]
Source: Associated Press
High school football incidents spark racism talks, programs
December 22, 2022
Superintendent Torie Gibson felt she had no choice but to make the unpopular decision. When learning Amador High’s football team had a group chat titled, “Kill the Blacks,” filled with derogatory language and racial slurs, she ended the Northern California school’s varsity season.
That meant the 100-year anniversary game between rivals Amador and Argonaut was called off.
“We canceled the football season, and we did it for all the right reasons because the behavior is not acceptable,” ...
The incident at Amador was one of several alarming examples of racism against Black people that occurred this fall in high school football around the nation. Athletes in the past were able to leave racism and other issues off the field, but today not even sports settings are immune from real world problems.
Administrators in some cases have used these incidents to start conversations about race that have been hard for them to bring up before and roll out programs they hope will have lasting impact.
Read more: https://apnews.com/article/sports-california-sacramento-high-school-football-racism-7c38bcf7ea66b4bcb2202e6c2da09bb2