guns to defend their communities.
Among other things, the Black Panthers agenda involved taking up arms and patrolling their communities to protect against rampant racism in policing. And thats what they did in the first few months of the partys existence, carrying guns openly in compliance with California law, driving around their neighborhoods, observing arrests and other law enforcement activity effectively policing the police. Newton was even known for packing a law book alongside his rifle that hed recite from when informing an officer that a civilians rights were being violated <emphasis added>.
The patrols werent meant to encourage violence. The Panthers were committed to using force only if it was used against them, and at first, their mere presence appeared to be working as a check on abusive policing. But the Panthers willful assertion of their rights like the day Newton reportedly stood up to a cop in front of a crowd of black onlookers was unacceptable to white authority figures whod come to expect complete deference from black communities, and who were happy to use fear and force to extract it.
As the rest of the group waited nearby, six Panthers entered the assembly chamber, where they found lawmakers mid-session. Some legislators reportedly saw the protesters and took cover under desks. It was the last straw: Police finally ordered the protesters to leave the premises. The group maintained they were within their rights to be in the Capitol with their guns, but eventually they exited peacefully.
Mulfords legislation, which became known as the Panthers Bill, passed with the support of the National Rifle Association, which apparently believed that the whole good guy with a gun thing didnt apply to black people. California Gov. Ronald Reagan (R), who would later campaign for president as a steadfast defender of the Second Amendment, signed the bill into law <emphasis added>.