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I was reading an article about Racial Disparities in Marijuana Arrests, and can across this paragraph:
Racially biased marijuana enforcement stretches far beyond New York Cityand its pernicious effects extend far beyond the degrading experience of being arrested and jailed. Most serious are the lifelong criminal records produced by a single arrest. Twenty years ago, misdemeanor arrest records were papers stored in dusty file cabinets. Now they are computerized and instantly available for $20 or less from commercial database firmsand easily found by a Google search for the phrase criminal records. (Try it yourself.) Employers, landlords, schools, banks and credit card companies rule out applicants on the basis of these now universally available records, which have been aptly described as a scarlet letter and a new Jim Crow. The substantial damage caused by criminal records from the millions of marijuana arrests has also been willfully disregarded by top officials almost everywhere, including in Congress and the White House.
And while the article (derived from an ACLU study on the topic, arrives at different conclusions, I wonder if, at its root, this is by competition reducing design.