Divide between older Blacks and Black Millennials for Hillary [View all]
The threat to Trump is so great that you have most Black activists coming around, Deray McKesson probably being the most notable in recent days, but make no mistake, many Black millennials are not enthusiastic about this election. However, I don't know a single Black person over 35 who isn't voting for Hillary.
I spoke with a few who outright said I can't believe this is our f**king choice but its got to be Hillary . Millennial Blacks don't remember these "great Clinton years" and find a lack of authenticity with her. I personally am not looking for a late night host for a President. Obama has that rare gift of having such charm and humor and seriousness, but make no doubt that its the intelligence that made me vote for him. The personality is a great bonus, but its just that... a bonus.
Also important to note that Black millennials vote in greater numbers than their white counterparts which is why its key to get them to vote early and on election day, particularly in the battleground states. I know some don't like to do "identity politics" but when I see talk of millennial voters voting third party and some going Trump I wish they would break that down more. Make no mistake...Black millennials are NOT voting for Donald Trump.