My conversation re: white women & activism [View all]
Since the march, women in my area are fired up & already having an impact with their activism. Small groups are forming & learning the ropes of protest. I will say from the start I support & join these women. But
Several white women are talking about bringing black women, Muslims, young people into the fold. I find this frustrating & increasingly feel it necessary to confront this idea to bring people to us. One of the most inspiring themes of the march was the intersectionality of where we find ourselves. I have spoken in my group that we cannot miss that point. PoC, minority groups of all stripes have historically led the white majority kicking & screaming to justice. They know how to do this & are effective. I've proposed that perhaps rather than pull people into the fold we acknowledge that the movement we all are fired up over has existed before we were paying attention & maybe for some of us we should allow ourselves to be folded in.
My suggestion is while we have a movement forming around white women, I think radical change might happen if we recognize the power of intersectional protest & join existing activist movements in an area that appears to not directly seem to effect white women & let ourselves be the followers.
I've encouraged the group to be supportive of each other but step outside ourselves & not try to make this about us.