Black Cameraman Says Maxine Waters Aint Shit While Caping for Racist Left-Wing Reporter [View all]
Yesterday, Michael Tracey, a roving reporter for The Young Turks, a progressive news show on YouTube with millions of subscribers, decided to come for Auntie Maxine Waters (D-CA) before he was ready. During the March for Truth in Los Angeles, Tracey and his cameraman Ty Bayliss approached Waters and asked her about the Democratic Partys focus on RussiaGate as well as her previous support for a U.S. / Russian solution to the Syrian conflict under Obama. When Waters answered then dismissed further questions from Tracey, he went full SuperSaiyanWypipoBernieBro and posted the following on Twitter.
Tracey followed up with some epic concern trolling, repeatedly claiming the incident wasnt violent but ratcheting up the conflict with words like shove and push. He threw in some racially coded words like criminal and intemperate just to make sure his dog whistle was in digital surround sound.
Once Tracey posted the explosive video of his encounter with Congressman Waters, most journalists were less than impressed.
I told you all a long time ago Tracey was a piece of shit...