It is very difficult to discuss these issues without it degenerating into a rehash of 2016 and that makes us miss the entire point while continuing to sow divisiveness. It isn't about Sanders, and it is much bigger than any politician.
I belong to a FB group LOWPAWS, League of White People Against White Supremacy. There is good stuff there but what strikes me most is the tiptoeing around. I think many white members are afraid to question, to perhaps critique a video by a Black person talking about WP if they don't quite feel comfortable with what was said. It's like we all think "well if a Black person said that, we must agree or we are not being good allies." It can be hard to get out of that mindset. I remember when Bill Cosby, whom I adored as a comedian, gave his Pound Cake speech and the white Christian world rejoiced. I was like WTF, but afraid to speak out because this was The Man and who was I to say WTF? It was actually a great opportunity to open a dialog with my Black friends and acquaintances, but I stayed silent, didn't want to offend by even asking "what did you think about that?"
That is a critical value of this group on DU. We should be able to take out the politicians and have honest and open conversations about race, women's issues and social justice with the hosts serving as the moderators. There once was lively discussion here but politics and alerting by outsiders made it difficult if not impossible to continue. I learned more then than from any other forum or group here, even getting my ears pinned back a few times.