racial bias training [View all]
I got a good laugh this morning, a derisive laugh mind you, but a laugh none the less.
I was at the Guardian site this morning and an article on the Starbucks incident was written on how just racial bias training is good as a quick fix, "window dressing" really. Yet employees already racist, bigoted and apt tp discriminate ARE NOT helped by these "one day off" sessions to show people how to be human to each other as employee-customer relations demand. It is more than likely going to make the racist person more so because their usually life long biases are challenged and they feel forced to change them.
I laughed because all that popped into this mind of mind was, AMERICANS need racial bias training for the next two or three generations. Yet it won't help because if a white child grow up listening to racist remarks and words, usually that child uses them also. Racism is systemic and families drives the racism. Education helps, yet highly intelligent individuals still are racist. I saw david duke as one prime example of how stupid a well educated white man could remain after 'proper academic education'.
for one day at all Starbucks. After my laughing was over, pretty quickly mind you, my 'real' kicked in, I know, AmeriKKKa will NEVER change. In fact, racism is given up by people AS A CHOICE. If they have a choice to tune in a limbaugh, trump, hannity, ingraham every day and they choose that option, which millions of ameriKKKans do, no amount of racial bias training will help, really.
Hell, these types had 8 years to watch our last POTUS, President Barack Hussein Obama. He was a quiet giant, to help those worried about the 'angry black man'. He was measured in his actions and responses on the world and domestic stages. He was/is a loving father and husband, unlike the depraved unhappy POS and his family at 1600 now. Most importantly to me he was competent, unlike this POSpotus we must endure now.
If those type people that keep racism going didn't change in the 8 years preceding this disastrous toxic individual that is leading millions of ameriKKKan racists down a very dangerous road, then they choose hate as their go to when viewing another nonwhite human being. I am 70 years old in the 'window' and I fear for this world. It is slowly being killed by the exponential effect of billions of humans consuming natural resources for life and in the case of a few others who affect billions, mere profit.
The pollyannas can continue to have hope that change will happen 'one day'. No it won't and I only fear for the children and the animals. Those are the only hope for this planet and too many are being slaughtered physically, destroyed emotionally and psychologically by the adults of this racist culture/society/world. When I pray they are the only ones getting my prayers. I am glad I am in 'the window'.