The Romans borrowed Minerva from the Greeks who had borrowed Athena from the pre-dynastic goddess Neith or Net. As Bernal said in the 2nd interview posted, the further back in history the blacker the Egyptians are. Neith is a black goddess; one of war, weaving, creation of the universe who Plato insists Greeks called Athena. Also, her symbols include a shield and bows & arrows and known for her incredible wisdom.
Neith (also called Ath-neith, Ath-nath, or Asenath hence Athena) was originally an African goddess from Egypt. The worship of Neith was taken to the Greek islands during successive waves of migration of black colonists from the African coasts to Mediterranean islands.
According to the Greek writer Herodotous who is also called the Father of History:
How it happened that Egyptians came to the Peloponnese (southern Greece) and formed settlements there and what they did to make themselves kings in that part of Greece has been chronicled by other writers. I will therefore add nothing but proceed to mention some points, which no one else has yet touched upon.
For example the names of nearly all the gods came to Greece from Egypt, moreover it was only, if I may so put it, the day before yesterday that the Greeks came to know the origin and form of the various gods
for Homer and Hesiod, the poets who composed our theogonies and described the gods for us
lived as I believe not more than 400 years ago.
The Histories Book Two Herodotus of Halicarnasus (circa 530 BC)