about slavery era norms about sex and slaves and why racist whites would like to bury the truth about this portion of American history. This is the reason they hate the truth of why racism is so ingrained into the American psyche. This Amerikkka doesn't want to confront and change their ways. And this is millions upon millions of knuckle-dragging trump followers who have been manipulated to bring out the hate again. And Murdock keeps spreading and disseminating the trump lies. This was and if the AmeriKKKan racist can have his/her way, is what they seek for POC, African-American specifically...again. But anyway this to me starts to explain how deep the hate runs.
https://answersafrica.com/8-most-horrific-and-inhuman-black-slaves-punishment-in-the-history-of-slavery.html and on and on there are many research references