It's a continuation of the Alex Cross novels. Cross is a psychiatric consultant to the FBI helping to catch serial killers and other criminals. I started it yesterday and will finish it tonight.
I have two other books from the library on my table by Lee Goldberg.
Dream Town - follows a young LA County Sheriff detective. As a patrol deputy sheriff, she solved a murder, rescued a kidnapped girl. and arrested an abusive movie star. The last two were captured on video and made her hero. The LA County Sheriff's department had suffered scandals by promoting her to detective it helped improve the Sheriff's Office image. Her partner is a veteran detective only months away from retirement and he's showing her the ropes on how to be a detective. This is the fifth book in a six book series.
Beyond the Beyond - is about ex-cop Charlie Willis who handles special security for a Hollywood picture company to protect the company and its stars. stop scandals before they explode, and to keep the peace and protect the make believe of Hollywood.