Comic Books
In reply to the discussion: These were the comic books my father made me throw out in 1969 [View all]hurple
(1,329 posts)They have dutifully been storing them under their pool table in their game room for the past 30 years.
I am starting to sell them off on eBay, some are easier than others. So far I have gotten $100 for the Infinity Gauntlet mini-series. That's the book that big two-part Avengers movie came from.
Now trying to sell every Lobo book, but without any luck so far. Next up will be the Captain America and Avengers. Still trying to decide how to break them up into sellable chunks. And don't have a clue how I am going to divide up the Superman books, since most of them are from the "triangle" period (each book had a triangle on the cover with a number in it that told the reader what order to read the books) and covers the death of Superman, the reign of the Supermen and Superman's resurrection. And that continues directly into the fall of Green Lantern...
Anyway, do I chunk it out to "all Action Comics" and "all Adventures of Superman" etc... or mix 'n' match according to the numbers to get complete stories.. like the death of Superman?
Only 11 more long boxes to go... sigh.